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首页 > 采购清单 > Keithley 2635A回收数字源表
Keithley 2635A回收数字源表
产 品: 浏览次数:49Keithley 2635A回收数字源表 
需求数量: 10
价格要求: 6666
包装要求: 二手/全新
所在地: 广东东莞市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-06-22 10:01
 Keithley 2635A回收数字源表
2600A series digital source meter: Keithley 's new I-V source - measuring instrument, can be used as a desktop I-V  characteristics analyzing tools, can also become a multi channel test system of  I-V groupA part of. For desktop applications, 2600A series provides an embedded  TSP Express test software, allowing users to quickly, easily.Using I-V test, no prog ramming or software installation. For the application,  东莞市塘厦宏源电子仪器有限公司  =====================================  专业回收、销售、租赁、维修各类二手电子测量仪器!  刘'S:13431301996(手机/微信)  张'R: 13826950635(手机/微信)  Q Q:1335421520/734169496  ===================================== 公司长期回收各类电子仪器仪表,如有闲置, 待处理的仪器,欢迎随时来电咨询! 诚信第一,质量为本,服务至诚!  您的满意是我的追求! 给我一个机会,我会还你一个惊喜!  承诺力求更可靠,服务力求更优质!  ========================================= 
2600A TSP structure and function, for example, parallel testing ability and fineDe
nse clock synchronization, provides the highest throughput, which reduces the tes
t cost.

2600A series digital source meter to the performance of extended to replace popular
 2600 series digital source meter. Because 2600A series provides backward compati
ble code toThe 2600 series, so customers can use 2600A series simple replacement of
 the 2600 series of a compact unit integrates the following functions: a precision voltage 
source, high precisionCurrent source, digital multimeter, arbitrary waveform generator, 
voltage or current pulse generator, electronic load, trigger controller code backward 
compatible with 2600Series digital source meter, easy to replace TSP Express softw
are tools to achieve fast, convenient I-V test precision timing and synchronization 
channel ( <500ns ).

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